Paymes API

Paymes API

Paymes Payment API can be used by all merchants that accept payment online. You can apply to create an account by filling out the form.

Payment transactions can be completed by sending credit card information to Paymes API via HTTP Post method. Alternatively, you can use Hosted Payment Page developed and maintained by Paymes.

1) Creating payment Payment information is sent to Paymes API via HTTP Post method. A hash is generated to ensure that the content has not been changed (i.e. message integrity). Paymes processes your payment request after checking message integrity. 2) Sending card information Card information can be sent to Paymes servers in 2 different ways. It is sufficient to use only one of these two different methods. If there is no error in the card information, the URL to which the buyer will be directed for 3D verification is sent as a reply. 2.a) Sending card information with Hosted Payment Page 2.b) Sending card information via HTTP Post method 3) Transaction Result After the card information is sent and the 3D operation is completed successfully, the payment data is sent to the return address you have given to Paymes. At this point, one can recalculate the hash value provided in reply to ensure message integrity.

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