
In case of any problem that the buyer user may experience during the routing after the payment transaction, it may not enter your system even if the transaction is successful. With the use of webhook, successful transactions are transmitted directly to the webhook address you specify via Paymes servers.


The parameters included in the HTTP Post Request sent with the user are in the following format:

paymesOrderId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" //Unique transaction id sent by Paymes

orderId = ""; //order id that gived bu user

type = ""; // gets "success" or "error" 

message = ""; 

price = ""; 

currency = "TRY"; 

hash = "";

Hash Check

Hash is obtained by concatenating the following parameters as string, hashing with SHA512 and encoding the result in base64 type

paymesOrderId + orderId + type + message + price + currency + secret

You can use the hash information sent by Paymes to confirm the incoming reply.

Last updated