3) Transaction Result

After the card information is sent and the 3D operation is completed successfully, the following data is sent to the return address you have given to Paymes.


HTTP Post Request that sent to return URL:

paymesOrderId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" //Unique transaction id sent by Paymes

orderId = ""; //order id that gived bu user

type = ""; //"success" or "error" 

message = ""; 

price = ""; 

currency = "TRY"; 

hash = ""; 

Hash Check

Hash is obtained by concatenating the following parameters as string, hashing with SHA512 and encoding the result in base64 type:

paymesOrderId + orderId + type + message + price + currency + secret

You can use the hash information sent by Paymes to confirm the reply.

Last updated